摘 要:工厂废水乱排放对厂区以及周边人们的生活环境造成严重影响。文章以工厂废水排放管理工作为研究对象,重点阐述了废水排放智能化调度系统的建设思路和实现方式。通过应用工业物联网和系统集成等技术,将各厂区分散的监测设备连接起来,实现废水排放实时跟踪和智能预警,为工业园区工厂废水排放智能化调度工作提供技术支撑。
中图分类号:TN929.5;TP274 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)09-0170-05
Design and Implementation of Intelligent Scheduling System for Factory Wastewater Discharge Based on Internet of Things
WEI Andong
(Anhui Tongguan Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd.,Tongling 244000,China)
Abstract:The random discharge of factory wastewater will have a serious impact on the living environment of the production area of factory and surrounding people. Taking the factory wastewater discharge management as the research object,this paper focuses on the construction idea and implementation mode of wastewater discharge intelligent scheduling system. Through the application of industrial internet of things and system integration and other technologies,the scattered monitoring equipments in each production area are connected together to realize real-time tracking and intelligent early warning of wastewater discharge,so as to provide technical support for the intelligent scheduling of wastewater discharge in the industrial park factories.
Keywords:internet of things;data acquisition;wastewater discharge;intelligent scheduling
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作者简介:魏安东(1983—),男,汉族,安徽桐城人,计算 机工程师,本科,研究方向:项目管理。