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基于 NB-IoT、4GCAT1 的远程开关可控的智能井盖系统
(1. 西安市地下管网建设发展有限公司,陕西 西安 710016;2. 西安电子科技大学 广州研究院,广东 广州 510555;3. 西安圣豆电子信息技术有限公司,陕西 西安 710077)

摘  要:文章将 NB-IoT 通信技术、数据采集控制系统、云服务、APP 等工业物联网技术整合,并应用于城市地下通信管道的智能化管理实践工作之中。通过 NB-IoT 或 4G 网络将井盖以及井下环境状态上传至自研井盖云平台进行数据存储、分析与处理。实现了对非法开启井盖、井盖异动以及井盖和井下异常状态的实时监测与报警。通过手机或井盖系统管理平台可实时查询井盖状态,远程控制井盖开关锁,获取报警推送信息。

关键词:NB-IoT;4G CAT1;物联网;井盖


基金项目:西安市建设委员会城建专项基金 (SJW2017-10)

中图分类号:TP273                                         文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2021)10-0161-06

Intelligent Well Cover System with Remote Controllable Switch Based on NB-IoT and 4G CAT1

SHI Yucang1 ,WANG Ying2 ,SHI Xinlong3 ,LIU Yangqi 3 ,LIU Feng3

(1.Xi’an Underground Pipe Network Construction and Development Co.,LTD.,Xi’an 710016,China; 2.Guangzhou Institute of Technology,Xidian University,Guangzhou 510555,China; 3.Xi’an Shengdou Electronic Information Technology Co.,LTD.,Xi’an 710077,China)

Abstract:This paper integrates NB-IoT communication technology,data acquisition and control system,cloud services,APP and other industrial internet of things technology,and applies them to the intelligent management practice of urban underground communication pipelines. Upload the well cover and downhole environment status to the self-developed well cover cloud platform through NB-IoT or 4G network for data storage,analysis and processing. It realizes the real-time monitoring and alarm for illegal opening of well cover,abnormal movement of well cover,abnormal state of well cover and downhole. Through the mobile phone or the well cover system management platform,you can query the well cover status in real time,remotely control the well cover switch lock,and obtain the alarm push information.

Keywords:NB-IoT;4G CAT1;internet of things;well cover


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作者简介:石育仓(1974—),男,汉族,陕西西安人,一级 注册建造师,研究方向:地下管网智慧化管理;王颖(1994—), 女,汉族,陕西西安人,硬件工程师,博士在读,研究方向:模拟 集成电路;史鑫龙(1995—),男,汉族,陕西咸阳人,技术总监, 博士在读,研究方向:模拟集成电路;刘洋岐(1992—),男,汉 族,陕西西安人,产品总监,本科,研究方向:物联网软硬件技术; 刘丰(1974—),男,汉族,河北石家庄人,产品总监,博士在读, 研究方向:模拟集成电路。