摘 要:文章研究以探索数据流通交易、释放数据要素市场价值为着力点,利用区块链、大数据等新兴技术探索研究数据之间的关系和规律,明确社会数据流通交易的流程规范,分析挖掘数据的内在价值和交易价值,进而推动行业内外大数据流通与交易的法律、政策、规范等制度的完善。以无锡为例,探寻具有地方特色的数据要素市场化道路,从而构建更加完善的数据要素市场化配置体制机制的应用实践。
中图分类号:TP311.1;F49 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)11-0166-07
Research on Marketization Configuration of Wuxi Data Elements Based on Blockchain Technology
Wuxi Big Data Management Bureau
(Wuxi Big Data Management Bureau, Wuxi 214125, China)
Abstract: This paper focuses on the exploration of data circulation transaction and the release of market value of data elements, and uses emerging technologies such as blockchain and big data to explore the relationship and laws between data, clarifies the process specification of social data circulation transaction, analyzes and mine the intrinsic value and transaction value of data, and then promotes the improvement of laws, policies, specifications and other systems of big data circulation and transaction inside and outside the industry. Taking Wuxi as an example, this paper seeks the marketization road of data elements with local characteristics, so as to build a more perfect application practice of marketization allocation system mechanism of data elements.
Keywords: blockchain technology; data element; circulation transaction; marketization configuration
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