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一种可读写 EPC 协议的最小系统架构设计
(陕西开放大学,陕西 西安 710119)

摘  要:文章介绍了在可读写 EPC 协议系统架构中,EPC 协议实现的关键技术要点,设计了一种具备可读写 EPC 功能的最小系统架构,基于 EPC™ 射频识别协议 Generation-2 UHF RFID 标准,对读 EPC 功能的流程,如 select 处理函数、query处理函数等进行了分析设计,并给出了部分流程和程序设计。该设计可应用于 RFID 标签的 EPC 协议读写系统,可根据实际需求进行功能拓展,经过长时间生产验证,产品稳定可靠。

关键词:EPC 协议;RFID 标准;EPC 读写器


中图分类号:TN929.5                                    文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2021)11-0173-04

Design of Minimum System Architecture of a Readable and Writable EPC Protocol

LI Muhan

(The Open University of Shannxi, Xi’an 710119, China)

Abstract: This paper introduces the key technical points of EPC protocol implementation in a readable and writable EPC protocol system architecture, designs a minimum system architecture with readable and writable EPC function. Based on EPC™ Radio Frequency Identification protocol Generation-2 UHF RFID standard, the processes of reading EPC function, such as select processing function and query processing function, is analyzed and designed, and some processes and procedure design are given. The design can be applied to the EPC protocol reading and writing system of RFID tag, and the function can be expanded according to the actual demand. Long-time production shows, the product is stable and reliable.

Keywords: EPC protocol; RFID standard; EPC reader


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作者简介:李慕菡(1984—),女,汉族,江苏淮安人,助理 教师,硕士研究生,研究方向:半导体及太阳能领域,底层驱动嵌 入式设计与开发。