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基于 FreeRTOS 的 AIOT 定角激光测距仪系统设计
(南京师范大学中北学院,江苏 镇江 212000)

摘  要:基于 FreeRTOS 的 AIOT 定角激光测距仪是采用单片机 STM32 器件 STM32F103C8T6 作为处理器,FreeRTOS为实时操作系统,包括 MPU6050 在内的多种组件和独特机械结构,通过设定测量角度,设备自动调整至设定角度内进行测量,实现包括距离、面积、勾股等多种数据测量,并将测量的数据通过融合 AI 算法和 NB-IOT(窄带物联网)技术的 AIOT 进行收集及存储于云端进行处理,使激光测距仪更具有智能化、稳定性、便携化及高效实用性的优势。



中图分类号:TP368.1;TN929.5                      文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2021)11-0180-04

Design of AIOT Fixed Angle Laser Rangefinder System Based on FreeRTOS

XU Xia, CHEN Peng, LI Yan, CHEN Xuelu

(Nanjing Normal University Zhongbei College, Zhenjiang 212000, China)

Abstract: The AIOT fixed angle laser rangefinder based on FreeRTOS is using single-chip microcomputer STM32 device STM32F103C8T6 as the processor, FreeRTOS as a real-time operating system, composed of a variety of components and unique mechanical structure including MPU6050. By setting measurement angle, the equipment is automatically adjusted to the set angle for measurement, and realizes a variety of data measurement, including distance, area, Pythagorean and so on. The measured data are collected and stored in the cloud for processing through AIOT integrating AI algorithm and NB-IOT(narrow band internet of things)technology, so that the laser rangefinder has the advantages of intelligence, stability, portability, high efficiency and practicability.

Keywords: FreeRTOS; fixed angle laser rangefinder; single-chip microcomputer; AIOT


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作者简介:徐霞(1988—),女,汉族,江苏淮安人,初级, 硕士研究生,研究方向:智能仪器。