摘 要:文章基于 ZigBee 通信技术设计了一种无线校园火灾防范系统,可用于监测校园火灾。该系统通过 ZigBee 终端节点使用温度、烟雾和气体三种传感器来采集校园内需监测节点的三项实时数据,采集到的数据通过 ZigBee 网络经路由器传输到协调器,再由协调器经串口连接上位机,通过上位机软件可以实时查询到 ZigBee 终端节点采集到的各项数据。当三个数据中同时有两项或以上超过系统设置的阈值后,系统显示报警并提示告警位置,该系统可有效防止校园火灾。
基金项目:贵州省教育厅青年科技人才成 长项目(KY〔2018〕277)
中图分类号:TP277 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2021)12-0168-05
Design and Implementation of Campus Fire Prevention System Based on ZigBee
(Guizhou Universitey of Commerce, Guiyang 550014, China)
Abstract: This paper designs a wireless campus fire prevention system based on ZigBee communication technology, which can be used to monitor campus fire. The system uses temperature sensor, smoke sensor and gas sensor to collect three real-time data that need to monitor nodes in the campus through the ZigBee terminal node. The collected data is transmitted to the coordinator passing through router by ZigBee network, and then is connected to the upper computer passing through the serial port by the coordinator. The data collected by ZigBee terminal nodes can be queried in real time through the upper computer software. When two or more of three data items exceed the threshold set by the system at the same time, the system displays the alarm and prompts the alarm position. The system can effectively prevent campus fire.
Keywords: ZigBee; sensor; fire alarm; wireless transmission
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作者简介:熊琰(1989—),女,汉族,贵州遵义人,助教, 硕士研究生,研究方向:网络工程相关教学。