摘 要:本文基于ISO/IEC TR 24722:2015《信息技术—生物特征识别—多模态和其他多生物特征融合》,针对当下单一生物特征识别技术的局限性,对多模态和其他多生物特征识别技术及其分类进行了研究,给出了通用的多生物特征识别系统模型,比较了不同生物识别特征呈现方法,并对不同生物识别特征的相关性进行了探讨。
中图分类号:TP391.41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)05-0189-03
Research on Multimodal and Multi Biometric Fusion of Biometrics System
PEI Lunpeng,GAO Jian
(China Electronics Standardization Institute,Beijing 100007,China)
Abstract:This paper is based on the ISO/IEC TR 24722:2015“information technology—biometric identification—multimodal and other multi biological feature fusion”. Aiming at the limitations of the present single biometric identification technology,this paper researches on the multi-modal and other multi biological feature recognition technology and its classification,and gives the universal multi biological feature recognition system model. This paper compares different biometric feature presentation methods and discusses the correlation of different biometric features.
Keywords:information technology;biometrics;multimodality
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