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(长江大学工程技术学院,湖北 荆州 434020)

摘  要:在当前的信息化背景下,物联网技术已经逐渐延伸到不同的领域。基于ZigBee 技术和信息技术在实际应用中的相互结合,为医院病房监控系统设计提出了一种基于物联网的解决方案。系统硬件由ZigBee 模块和服务器构成,同时该系统使用了MVC 框架。医护人员能够通过Web 端观察到病房环境的变化,以及可以通过对监测结果的分析,采取相应的措施控制病房内的安全隐患。系统运行结果表明,本系统能够实时监控病房的环境,同时能够对病人信息进行实时查询、修改等操作,设计方案切实有效,具有较高的实用价值。

关键词:医院病房;环境监控;ZigBee 技术;MVC 框架

中图分类号:TP277         文献标识码:A          文章编号:2096-4706(2018)05-0192-03

The Design of Hospital Ward Monitoring System Based on the Internet of Things
JIANG Jinbo,HE Hao,JIANG Shufang,LIU Qigang,ZHANG Jia
(Yangtze University College of Technology & Engineering,Jingzhou 434020,China)

Abstract:Under the background of information,the internet of things technology has been gradually extended to different areas. This paper proposes a solution based on the internet of things for the design of the monitoring system of hospital ward based on the combination of ZigBee technology and the application of information technology in practice. The system hardware consists of the ZigBee module and the server. Meanwhile the system uses MVC framework. The medical staff can observe the changing in the hospital ward environment through the Web application. And the medical staff can take measures to prevent the safety hazards in the ward from the analysis of the result. The system operation results show that the system can monitor the environment of the ward in real time,and can query and modify the patient's information in real time. The design scheme is effective and practical,and has high practical value.

Keywords:hospital ward;environmental monitoring;ZigBee technology;MVC framework


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