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(南京江宁高等职业技术学校,江苏 南京 211100)

摘  要:对物联网技术进行了研究,分析了传统非智能照明现状,进行了物联驱动设计,提出了以 RL78/I1A 主控芯片为核心、可实现实时监测、精准控制、智能照明的系统方案。分别由感知、控制、网络和综合应用四层组成,支持 ZigBee、以太网等多种通信协议,基于智能网关、现场智能硬件、信息采集模块及完整通信协议,可对 LED 灯颜色、饱和度、亮度、开关进行分组调控。经调试,系统调光曲线平稳,谐波失真、功率能耗指标优异,拓展性强,具有较好的推广性。

关键词:物联网架构;模块化设计;智能照明系统;RL78/I1A 单片机


课题项目:南京市江宁区教育科学规划2021 年度课题(LX_422969);江苏联合职业技术学院 2020 年度研究课题(B/2020/10/019)

中图分类号:TN929.5                                      文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2022)01-0168-03

Intelligent Lighting System Design Based on the Internet of Things Architecture

BAO Jiajia

(Nanjing Jiangning Higher Vocational and Technical School, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: This paper studies the Internet of things technology, analyzes the current situation of traditional non intelligent lighting, designs the IOT drive, and puts forward a system scheme with RL78/I1A main control chip as the core, which can realize real-time monitoring, accurate control and intelligent lighting. It is composed of four layers: perception, control, network and comprehensive application. It supports various communication protocols such as ZigBee and Ethernet. Based on intelligent gateway, on-site intelligent hardware, information acquisition module and complete communication protocol, it can group regulate the color, saturation, brightness and switch of LED lights. After debugging, the system has stable dimming curve, excellent harmonic distortion, power consumption index, strong expansibility and good popularization.

Keywords: Internet of things architecture; modular design; intelligent lighting system; RL78/I1A single-chip microcomputer


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