摘 要:基于 STM32 和物联网云平台的农业环境监控系统,目的是实现对农业大棚环境的实时远程监测与控制,将检测到的温度、湿度、光照、土壤湿度、CO2 等数据,通过 L610 无线通信模组传输至物联网云平台,以对大棚的环境进行调控。并且该系统有火焰报警和人体红外入侵报警,用户可以通过网页端实时查看大棚环境,并远程控制农业大棚的灌溉设备、通风、照明等设备。同时该系统可根据监测的数据自动启动相关设备,实现对农业环境的智能化处理,以满足农作物的生长需求。
中图分类号:TN929.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)01-0171-05
Design on the Agricultural Environment Monitoring System Based on STM32 and the Internet of Things Cloud Platform
SHEN Xiaoyu, HUANG Baohua, XU Chao, CHANG Wenxiao, YE Shengyou
(Nanhang Jincheng College, Nanjing 211156, China)
Abstract: The purpose of the agricultural environment monitoring system based on STM32 and the Internet of Things cloud platform is to realize the real-time remote monitoring and control of the agricultural greenhouse environment. The detected data such as temperature, humidity, light, soil humidity and CO2 are transmitted to the Internet of Things cloud platform through L610 wireless communication module to regulate the greenhouse environment. And the system has flame alarm and human infrared intrusion alarm. Users can view the greenhouse environment in real time through the Web terminal, and remotely control the irrigation equipment, ventilation, lighting and other equipment of agricultural greenhouse. At the same time, the system can automatically start relevant equipment according to the monitored data to realize the intelligent processing of agricultural environment, so as to meet the growth needs of crops.
Keywords: STM32; sensor; Internet of Things; cloud platform; agricultural environment monitoring
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