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(安徽理工大学 电气与信息工程学院,安徽 淮南 232001)

摘  要:现存的冷藏运输车在长途运输过程中难以保证车厢内温湿度等数据的稳定。为了获取长途运输过程中冷藏车车厢温度和压力等数据,降低运输风险,文章基于 STM32 微控制器设计了一款车载数据监测系统,系统使用 C++ 和 Qt 框架进行图形交互界面的开发,通过 MS8607 传感器监测车厢数据。该设计结合了软件部分可移植性强和硬件部分耐受力高等优点。

关键词:数据监测;Qt 平台;STM32


中图分类号:TP277                                         文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)03-0162-03

Design of Data Monitoring System for Refrigerated Transport Vehicle

DU Zheng

(School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan 232001, China)

Abstract: The existing refrigerated transport vehicles are difficult to ensure the stability of temperature, humidity and other data in the carriage during long-distance transportation process. In order to obtain the temperature and pressure and other data of refrigerated vehicles during long-distance transportation process and reduce the transportation risk, this paper designs an on-board data monitoring system based on STM32 microcontroller. The system uses C++ and QT frame to develop the graphical interactive interface, and monitors the vehicle data through MS8607 sensor. The design combines the advantages of strong portability of software and high tolerance of hardware and so on.

Keywords: data monitoring; QT platform; STM32


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