摘 要:随着移动互联网的飞速发展,智能家居控制系统得到了越来越多的关注和广泛应用。设计一种基于 OneNET 云平台结合多种传感器的智能家居控制系统。系统可以将多种传感器采集到的数据发送到 OneNET 云端,然后通过 HTTP 协议在OneNET 后台形成数据中心;通过移动终端可以连接到智能家居设备上实现家居控制系统。用户可以实时查询家居环境的温湿度值、光照强度值、PM2.5 等信息,还可以实现对家中的门窗进行远程开关控制。
关键词:智能家居;OneNET;HTTP 协议;传感器
中图分类号:TP212 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)03-0158-04
Design of Smart Home Control System Based on OneNET
XU Zengjie, SHI Limei, CHEN Xin, LIU Weijie, FAN Jierun
(Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524088, China)
Abstract: With the rapid development of mobile Internet, smart home control system has been paid more and more attention and widely used. In this paper, a smart home control system based on OneNET cloud platform and multiple sensors is designed. The system can send data collected by multiple sensors to the OneNET cloud end, and then form a data center in the OneNET background through HTTP protocol; you can connect to the smart home equipment with the help of the mobile terminal to operate on the home control system. Users can query the temperature and humidity value, light intensity value, PM2.5 and other information of the home environment in real time, and can also realize the remote switching control of doors and windows in the home.
Keywords: smart home; OneNET; HTTP protocol; sensor
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