摘 要:当前农业机械化灌溉为统一灌溉模式,缺少针对性和定点性,致使种植物无法得到较优的生长环境,且灌溉模块长时间使用会出现漏水等问题。该项目采用 ESP32 为主控芯片,设计出了一款基于 ESP32 的农业定点灌溉节水系统。对部分缺水土壤实现针对性灌溉,在总水阀上安置水流量计对水流进行管控,防止漏水,在 Blinker 云平台实时监控各项数据,实现远程控制灌溉和总水阀开关,降低人力成本,减少水资源的浪费。
中图分类号:TP399 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)11-0172-04
Agricultural Fixed-Point Irrigation Water-Saving System Based on ESP32
ZHANG Zicai, ZHANG Shengtian, TONG Xiangkun
(School of Computer Science, Neusoft Institute Guangdong, Foshan 528225, China)
Abstract: The current agricultural mechanized irrigation is a unified irrigation mode that lacks pertinence and specificity, resulting in plants not being able to obtain a better growth environment, and there will be water leakage and other problems when the irrigation module is used for a long time. This project uses ESP32 as the main control chip, and designs an agricultural fixed-point irrigation watersaving system based on ESP32. Targeted irrigation is implemented for some water-deficient soils, and a water flow meter is installed on the main water valve to control the water flow to prevent water leakage. It monitors various data in real time on the Blinker cloud platform, realizes the remote control of irrigation and the main water valve switch, reduces Labor costs and reduces the resources water waste.
Keywords: automatic irrigation; ESP32; networking; water flow counting; Blinker; cloud control
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