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(中国矿业大学(北京),北京 100083)

摘  要:按照矿用瓦斯检测的国家标准,对现有矿用瓦斯检测报警仪的功能要求与性能指标进行研究,合理选用显示器、传感器以及声光报警装置等外部器件,基于 STM32F103 系列单片机对数据采集模块、浓度检测模块、声光报警模块以及通信模块进行软硬件设计,初步完成具有数据采集、浓度检测、实时通信以及声光报警功能并基本满足精度、成本需求的瓦斯检测报警仪模型。



中图分类号:TP277                                      文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)14-0154-04

Research on Mine Gas Detection and Alarm Instrument

ZHANG Ruizhe, ZHONG Yuling, LI Shidong, LYU Weiyi, HU Boyuan

(China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, Beijing 100083, China)

Abstract: According to the national standard of mine gas detection, this paper studies the functional requirements and performance index of the existing mine gas detection and alarm instruments, selects reasonably the display, sensor, sound and light alarm device and other external devices. It designs hardware and software of the data acquisition module, concentration detection module, sound and light alarm module and communication module based on STM32F103 series Single-Chip Microcomputer, completes preliminarily the basic model of gas detection and alarm instrument with data acquisition, concentration detection, real-time communication and sound and light alarm functions, which basically meets the demand of precision and cost.

Keywords: STM32F103; gas monitoring; alarm system


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