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(中国矿业大学(北京),北京 100083)

摘  要:如今,煤矿生产逐步走向数字化、自动化、信息化。为了保证矿山提升机的安全,鉴于目前提升机闸瓦间隙的实时检测报警装置功能不足的情况,以主要刹车系统盘式制动器为研究对象,深入研究了其工作机理,并系统分析了实时监测控制系统所要满足的功能要求,选择了高精度模数转换器 AD7685 和以 ARM cortex-M3 为核心的微控芯片 LPC1752,以设计出能更好地实时检测矿山提升机闸瓦间隙的设备。



中图分类号:TP277;TD63                             文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2022)14-0158-04

Design of Monitoring Device for Brake Shoe Clearance of Mine Hoist

BU Qinwen, QU Hanlin, YANG Lei, ZHANG Zihan

(China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, Beijing 100083, China)

Abstract: Nowadays, coal mine production gradually moves towards digitalization, automation, information. In order to ensure the safety of mine hoist, aiming at the situation of function deficiency of real-time detection and alarm device for hoist brake gap, this paper takes the main brake system disc brake as the research object, studies deeply the working principle, and analyzes systematically the functional requirements of the real-time monitoring and control system, selects the high-precision analog-to-digital converter AD7685 and the micro-control chip LPC1752 with ARM cortex-M3 as the core to design the equipment that can better detect the mine hoist brake gap in real time.

Keywords: mine hoist; hoist brake gap; LPC1752 


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