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基于 RFID 技术的防破解水卡系统的设计与实现
(安阳工学院,河南 安阳 455000)

摘  要:M1 卡是非接触式 IC 卡,它解决了无源和免接触的技术难题,广泛应用于自动收费系统。但近年来却被证明在安全算法上有漏洞,其密钥可被轻易破解。为解决当前水卡系统的隐患,文章提出了一种使用 CPU 卡代替 M1 卡来完成设备升级的方案,以确保系统安全。该系统由注册、自助充值、消费三部分构成。注册部分主要实现用户信息录入数据库;自助充值部分主要实现用户通过手机 APP 扫描二维码自助充值;消费部分主要实现水流开关控制等功能。

关键词:M1 卡;CPU 卡;安全漏洞;RFID


基金项目:安阳工学院 2021—2022 学年大学生科技创新项目

中图分类号:TP311                                              文献标识码:A                              文章编号:2096-4706(2022)14-0162-04

Design and Implementation of Anti Crack Water Card System Based on RFID Technology

WU Jingjing, TANG Yanchong, ZENG Junying, LU Yunyi

(Anyang Institute of Technology, Anyang 455000, China)

Abstract: M1 card is a non-contact IC card, and it solves the technical problems of passive and non-contact, widely used inautomatic toll collection system. But in recent years, it has been proved that there is a loophole in the security algorithm, and the secret keycan be easily cracked. In order to solve the hidden trouble of the current water card system, this paper proposes to use CPU card insteadof M1 card to complete the scheme of upgrading equipment, so as to ensure the system security. The system is composed by three parts ofregistration, self-recharge and consumption. The registration part mainly realizes the information input of the users into the database. The self-charging part mainly realizes the self-charging of the users by scanning the QR code through the mobile phone APP. The consumption part mainly realizes the control of the water flow switch and other functions.

Keywords: M1 card; CPU card; security vulnerability; RFID 


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