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基于 C52 单片机及物联网技术的临时 锁存行李箱工具研究
(山东华宇工学院,山东 德州 253034)

摘  要:为了帮助在独自旅行中想去厕所或进入不方便携带行李的地方的人们,设计了通过 APP 程序和单片机控制的锁存器用来暂时储存行李箱。其表面设有每台机器自身的二维码,通过 APP 扫描二维码,根据指引来进行设置、修改密码等操作储存行李箱。通过单片机运算来判断密码是否正确,若输入的密码和设置的密码不正确则返回 APP 程序首页,若密码正确则进行开锁操作。并且锁存器和手机实现实时链接,若有人想要偷盗物品,锁存器就会发出警报并通过 APP 程序向物主发送信息。其取放方便,占用空间小,外形简洁美观,更是对锁存物品的一种创新。

关键词:APP 程序;锁;C52 单片机;二维码


基金项目:2021 年度大学生创新创业训练计划项目(X202113857027)

中图分类号:TP368                                        文献标识码:A                                文章编号:2096-4706(2022)17-0175-04

Research on Temporary Locking Luggage Tool Based on C52 Single-Chip  Microcontroller and Internet of Things Technology

DENG Xuexu, LI Xuesong

(Shandong Huayu University of Technology, Dezhou 253034, China)

Abstract: In order to help people who want to go to the toilet or enter places where luggage is inconvenient to carry when traveling alone, this paper designs a latch controlled by APP programs and Single-Chip Microcontroller to temporarily store luggage. Its surface is equipped with each machine' s own QR code. People could scan the QR code through the APP, and store the luggage according to the instructions for settings,changing the password and other operations. It determines whether the password is correct through the SingleChip Microcomputer operation.  If the input password and the set password are incorrect, it will return to the app program homepage. If the password is correct, the unlock operation will carry out. And the latch and the phone have achieved real-time linking, if someone wants to steal items, the latch will send an alarm and send a message to the owner through the APP program. This design is easy to pick up and place, occupies a small space, and the appearance is simple and beautiful. It is an innovation for locking and storing items.

Keywords: APP program; lock; C52 Single-Chip Microcontroller; QR code


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