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(山东华宇工学院,山东 德州 253034)

摘  要:为解决特殊人群(老弱病残孕)手动控制开关不便,以及开关一经安装位置固定、家用遥控灯具成本高等问题,改进现有遥控开关灯装置。装置基于微型单片机设计,采用红外遥控技术进行控制。硬件采用 5 V 继电器结构,通过软件编程写给微型单片机程序从而控制 L 杆伸缩。一方面,该装置实现了智能化控制开关灯,智能控制替代传统手动开关,使开关灯更加便捷。另一方面,高集成度、小体积、高可靠性、便宜价格等都是单片机的突出特点,当前单片机在家用电器控制领域呈现出外形更简单化、功能更多样化、产品更智能化的发展趋向。



基金项目:2021 年度大学生创新创业训练计划项目(X202113857093)

中图分类号:TP368                                        文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2022)17-0172-04

Design of Infrared Remote Control Switching Lamp Device Based on Single-Chip Microcomputer

WANG Mingjia, LI Xuesong, WANG Gaole

(Shandong Huayu University of Technology, Dezhou 253034, China)

Abstract: In order to solve the problems of inconvenient manual switch for special groups (old, weak, sick and pregnant), fixed switch installation position and high cost of household remote control lamp, the existing remote control switch lamp device is improved. The device is designed based on Single-Chip Microcomputer and controlled by infrared remote control technology. The hardware adopts 5 V relay structure, and writes to Single-Chip Microcomputer program by software programming to control the L rod expansion. On the one hand, the device realizes the intelligent control of switching the lamp, and the intelligent control replaces the traditional manual switch, making it more convenient to turn on and off the lamp. On the other hand, the Single-Chip Microcomputer has the outstanding features of high integration, small size, high reliability, low price and so on. At present, the Single-Chip Microcomputer presents a development trend of simpler appearance, more diversified functions and more intelligent products in the field of domestic appliance control.

Keywords: STM32; Single-Chip Microcomputer; infrared remote control; remote control switchgear 


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