摘 要:文章设计了基于 STM32 单片机的驾驶安全辅助系统,用于实时监测车内驾乘人员安全带佩戴情况,测量乘客体温、驾驶员呼出的酒精浓度,监测驾驶员行车过程中是否使用手机、是否存在疲劳驾驶等情况,实现对隐患的及时发现与预警。通过Wi-Fi 连接云端进行数据传输,GPS 模块可实时定位车辆位置,有效解决了行车安全问题。
关键词:STM32;机器视觉 k210;物联网平台
中图分类号:TP368 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)21-0148-05
Design of Driving Safety Assist System Based on STM32
CHEN Zihao, FAN Jiale, YAN Ke, WANG Benyou
(School of Electronics and Information Engineering, West Anhui University, Lu’an 237012, China)
Abstract: This paper designs a driving safety assistant system based on STM32 single-chip microcomputer, which is used to monitor the wearing of safety belts of drivers and passengers in the vehicle in real time, measure the temperature of passengers, the alcohol concentration exhaled by drivers, monitor whether drivers use mobile phones, whether there is fatigue driving, etc. during driving, so as to realize timely detection and early warning of hidden dangers. Connect to the cloud through Wi-Fi for data transmission, the GPS module can locate the vehicle position in real time, effectively solving the problem of driving safety.
Keywords: STM32; machine vision k210; Iot platform
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