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(福建船政交通职业学院,福建 福州 350007)

摘  要:文章设计了一个动态环境监测系统,描述了动态环境监测系统总体结构、通信方式,详细说明了主控系统设计功能、数据表、主要工作,设计了功能节点设计数据采集和处理方法。设计一套适合本系统的数据协议,通过合理应用数据协议,实现主控系统和功能模块间进行数据通信。设计了本系统的软件系统,通过 3 个进程间协调合作机制,提升主控进程工作效率。




中图分类号:TP319                                         文献标识码:A                                  文章编号:2096-4706(2022)21-0152-05

Design of Dynamic Environmental Monitoring System

LIU Biguang

(Fujian Chuanzheng Communications College, Fuzhou 350007, China)

Abstract: This paper designs a dynamic environmental monitoring system, describes the overall structure and communication mode of dynamic environmental monitoring system. The design function, data sheet and main work of the main control system are described in detail. The data acquisition and processing methods of function nodes are designed. A set of data protocol suitable for the system is designed, and it realizes data communication between main control system and function modules through reasonable application of data protocol. It designs the software system of this system, improves the work efficiency of the main control process through coordination and cooperation mechanisms among three processes.

Keywords: dynamic environmental monitoring; main control system; function node


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