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贺云飞 ¹ ,甘雨 ¹,²,肖国锐 ²
(1. 湖南北斗微芯产业发展有限公司,湖南 长沙 410000;2. 战略支援部队信息工程大学 地理空间信息学院,河南 郑州 450001)

摘  要:针对现有无线抄表系统功耗高、数据传输距离短和效率低的缺陷,设计了一种无线自组网的抄表系统。系统由表计、采集器和集中器组成,以 LoRa 通信技术为基础,实现多跳网络结构。表计采用低功耗设计,主动抄读数据上报,采集器和集中器混合组网,自动构建到达集中器的最佳路径,集中器汇总所有表计数据上报平台。通过研究分析验证,无线抄表系统组网时间短,传输距离远,且易于实现,具有较好的实用性。



中图分类号:TN919                                       文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2022)24-0174-05

Research and Design of Low Power Consumption Wireless Meter Reading System

HE Yunfei 1, GAN Yu1,2, XIAO Guorui 2

(1.Hunan BDS Micro-Chipset Industrial Development Co., Ltd., Changsha 410000, China; 2.Institute of Geospatial information, Strategic Support Force Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 410000, China)

Abstract: Aiming at the defects of existing wireless meter reading system such as high power consumption, short data transmission  distance and low efficiency, a wireless ad hoc network meter reading system is designed. The system is composed of meter, collector and concentrator. Based on LoRa communication technology, the multi hop network structure is realized. The meter is designed with low power consumption, and it actively reads data and reports, and the collector and concentrator are networked together to automatically build the best path to the concentrator. The concentrator summarizes all meter data to report platforms. Through research, analysis and verification, the wireless meter reading system has the advantages of short networking time, long transmission distance, easy implementation and good practicability.

Keywords: low power consumption; LoRa; meter reading; ad hoc network


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