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(江门市新会区广汇路灯管理有限公司,广东 江门 529100)

摘  要:以现有路灯照明控制技术为背景,分析了传统路灯照明系统存在的问题和不足,阐述了路灯控制技术智能化的内在需求。介绍了应用宽带电力线载波通信技术和智能计量技术构建智慧路灯管理系统的原理和方法。报告了江门市新会区“灯联网”智慧路灯管理系统的性能和特点,通过五年多的实际运行经验表明,利用先进的通信控制技术,实现城市级路灯系统的智能化管理是完全可行的。“灯联网”智慧路灯管理系统全面提升了路灯照明管理效率与管理水平,为进入按需照明的智能化管理时代奠定了基础。



中图分类号:TN929.5                                    文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)24-0179-04

“Internet of Lights” Intelligent Street Lamp Management System Based on Intelligent Metering Technology

MA Yanlin, ZHAO Chongxing, NIE Haodong, LI Chengwei

(Jiangmen Xinhui District Guanghui Street Lamp Management Co., Ltd., Jiangmen 529100, China)

Abstract: Based on the background of the existing street lamp lighting control technology, the existing problems and deficiencies of the traditional street lamp lighting system are analyzed, and the inherent requirements of the intelligent street lamp control technology are expounded. The principle and method of building a smart street light management system by using broadband power line carrier wave communication technology and intelligent metering technology are introduced. The performance and characteristics of the “internet of lights” smart street light management system in Xinhui District, Jiangmen City are reported. More than five-year practical operation experiences show that it is completely feasible to use advanced communication control technology to realize the intelligent management of city-level street light systems. The “network of lights” smart street light management system has comprehensively improved the lighting management efficiency and management level of street lights, laying a foundation for entering the era of intelligent management of on-demand lighting.

Keywords: broadband power line carrier wave communication; intelligent metering; internet of light; intelligent street lamp management system


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