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(中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司,湖北 武汉 430063)

摘  要:钢轨纵向应力的变化与无缝线路作业安全性密切相关。为实现对无缝线路钢轨纵向应力与轨温的监测,提出一种基于应变电测法的钢轨轨温、纵向应力的监测系统,实现对无缝线路风险点的实时监测。该系统经实验室检测性能后,安装在实际工作环境,采集无缝线路的钢轨应力与温度数据,并实时传输与分析,为无缝线路的安全作业提供科学指导。




中图分类号:TP311;U213.9                                文献标识码:A                             文章编号:2096-4706(2023)03-0168-04

Research on the Monitoring System for Rail Longitudinal Stress and Rail Temperature of Jointless Track in High-speed Railway

CUI Wanli

(China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430063, China)

Abstract: The change of rail longitudinal stress is closely related to the safety of jointless track operation. In order to realize the monitoring of the rail longitudinal stress and rail temperature of the jointless track, a monitoring system based on the rail temperature and longitudinal stress of strain electrometry is proposed to realize the real-time monitoring of the risk points of the jointless track. After the system performance is tested in the laboratory, it is installed in the actual working environment to collect the rail stress and temperature data of the jointless track, and transmit and analyze it in real time, providing scientific guidance for the safe operation of the jointless track.

Keywords: jointless track; rail temperature; longitudinal stress; real-time monitoring


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