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RFID 技术用于仓储物流系统的可行性分析
(广东省国防科技技师学院,广东 广州 510515)

摘  要:在传统的仓储物流管理过程中,纸张是对仓储货物的进出进行记录与跟踪的基础,这种管理方式的效率较低。随着科学技术的快速发展,人们将RFID 技术应用到了仓储物流管理工作中,RFID 技术是一种非接触性的无线射频识别技术,通过扫描货物的电子标签,可以自动识别出货物的所有相关信息,整个过程不需要人工操作,采用这种方式进行管理,能够有效地提高仓储物流的管理效率。本文将对RFID 技术用于仓储物流系统的可行性进行分析。

关键词:RFID 技术;仓储物流系统;电子标签

中图分类号:TP391.44         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)07-0187-03

Feasibility Analysis of RFID Technology in Warehousing and Logistics System
LI Fenghua
(Guofang Science and Technology Technician Institute of Guangdong Province,Guangzhou 510515,China)

Abstract:In the traditional storage and logistics management process,paper is the basis for recording and tracking the import and exportof warehousing goods,and the efficiency of this management method is low. With the rapid development of science and technology,peopleapply RFID technology to warehousing logistics management. RFID technology is a non-contact radio frequency identification technology. Byscanning electronic labels of goods,it can automatically identify the related information used in the goods. The whole process does not need
manual operation and is used in the whole process. This way of management can effectively improve the efficiency of warehousing and logisticsmanagement. This article will analyze the feasibility of RFID technology in warehousing and logistics system.

Keywords:RFID technology;warehousing and logistics system;electronic tags


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