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二维码技术在高职院校实训室信息化建设中的 应用分析
(东莞职业技术学院,广东 东莞 523808)

摘  要:针对目前大多高职院校实训室采用传统管理模式,存在管理效率低、信息更新不及时、设备资料不齐全等弊端,本文设计了基于二维码技术的实训室信息化管理系统,设计包括管理系统功能模块设计、数据库的构建、二维码生成,管理系统的更新和维护,以及该系统在实训室信息化建立和管理中的应用。实践表明,二维码在信息管理系统中的使用,大大提高了实训室建设的信息化水平和管理效率。


中图分类号:TP391.44        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)01-0177-03

Application of Two Dimensional Code Technology in Information Construction of Training Room in Higher Vocational Colleges

XU Xia,TANG Yu,CHEN Junchao

(Dongguan Polytechnic,Dongguan 523808,China)

Abstract:In view of the disadvantages of traditional management mode adopted by most training rooms in higher vocational colleges,such as low management efficiency,untimely updating of information and incomplete equipment and data,this paper designs an information management system for training rooms based on two-dimensional code technology,the design includes functional module design of management system,database construction,two-dimensional code generation,update and maintenance of management system,and the application of the system in the establishment and management of training room informatization. Practice shows that the use of two-dimensional code in information management system greatly improves the informatization level and management efficiency of the training room construction.

Keywords:two dimensional code technology;management system;training room


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作者简介:许霞(1985.12-),女,汉族,湖南衡阳人,实 训教师,工程师,硕士,研究方向:实训室建设、创新与管理。