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(广东碧桂园职业学院,广东 清远 511510)

摘  要:网络数据交换的中心枢纽是机房,但是当前我国很多职业院校计算机机房网络安全都存在一些问题,比如恶意攻击以及计算机病毒和木马等等,所以计算机机房管理者必须要结合实际情况,采取有效的措施来加强其安全保障。基于此,该文以职业院校计算机机房网络安全为研究对象,主要介绍了职业院校计算机机房网络安全存在的问题,而且提出了加强职业院校计算机机房网络安全的有效措施,希望可以为有需要的人提供参考。


中图分类号:TP309.1         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)01-0150-02

Discussion on Computer Room Network Security in Vocational Colleges

XIE Yonghao

(Guangdong Country Garden Polytechnic,Qingyuan 511510,China)

Abstract:The central hub of network data exchange is the computer room,but at present,there are some problems in the computer room network security of many vocational colleges in China,such as malicious attacks,computer viruses and Trojans,etc.,so the computer room manager must take effective measures to strengthen its security based on the actual situation. Based on this,this paper takes the network security of computer rooms in vocational colleges as the research object,mainly introduces the problems existing in the network security of computer rooms in vocational colleges,and puts forward effective measures to strengthen the network security of computer rooms in vocational colleges,hoping to provide reference for people in need.

Keywords:vocational college;computer room;network security


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