摘 要:级联构造作为构造布尔函数重要方法之一,在密码学领域已有丰富的研究成果。该文在基函数的基础上给出了一类特殊的级联函数,并以 Walsh 谱为工具重点分析所构造函数的 Walsh 谱分解式之间的关系,并着重探讨级联函数相关免疫性、平衡性和弹性之间的关系,以期通过级联方式得到密码性质较好的布尔函数。
关键词:布尔函数;Walsh 谱;相关免疫性
中图分类号:TP309.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)03-0158-03
Study on Immunity and Elasticity of a Special Kind of Cascaded Boolean Functions by Concatenation
WANG Xiaoli,ZHUO Zepeng
(School of Mathematics and Science,Huaibei Normal University,Huaibei 235000,China)
Abstract:As one of the most important methods to construct Boolean functions,cascade construction has been widely used in cryptography. In this paper,a special kind of cascade function is given on the basis of the basic function,and the Walsh spectrum is used as the tool to analyze the relationship between the Walsh spectral decomposition of the constructor,and the relationship between the correlation immunity,balance and elasticity of the cascade function is mainly discussed,in order to get the Boolean function with better cryptographic property by cascade.
Keywords:Boolean function;Walsh spectrum;correlation immunity
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(60573026,10101008);安徽省自然科学基金(1608085MF14 3);安徽高校省级自然科学研究重点项目(KJ2018 A0678)
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