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(国家计算机网络与信息安全管理中心山东分中心,山东 济南 250002)

摘  要:在信息时代的背景下,计算机网络技术的发展速度正在不断地加快,就会出现网络使用的安全问题。在进行计算机网络技术应用时,信息和通信的安全已经受到了社会各界的广泛关注。基于此目的,如何做好计算机网络信息通信安全防范,为居民营造一个更加安全的网络环境,进而促进相关技术得到更好的发展,成为了主要探讨的内容。


中图分类号:TP393.08;TP309.5         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0156-03

Discussion on the Security Measures of Computer Network Information Communication

ZHANG Qingui

(Shandong Branch of National Computer Network and Information Security Management Center,Jinan 250002,China)

Abstract:In the context of the information age,the development of computer network technology is constantly accelerating,and there will be security problems in network use. In the application of computer network technology,the security of information and communication has received widespread attention from all walks of life. For this purpose,how to do a good job of computer network information communication security precautions,create a safer network environment for residents,and then promote the better development of related technologies has become the main content of the discussion.

Keywords:computer hacker;network information communication;security precautions;analysis and discussion


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作者简介:张勤贵(1963-),男,汉族,山东鄄城人,高级工程师,工程硕士,曾获得德国 CDG 基金会奖学金,具有广博的专业技术知识和丰富的工程管理和技术实践经验,研究方向:通信工程建设、招投标等。 ​