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(项城市中等专业学校,河南 项城 466200)

摘  要:在当前广泛应用的计算机网络当中,信息储存与信息管理均需要通过网络数据库实现。伴随计算机技术的不断发展,计算机网络也广泛普及和深入覆盖,加入计算机网络群体的用户越来越多。但由于网络具备了独特性,同时又兼顾互联性和开放性,再加上终端的不均匀性,导致许多用户无法完全掌握信息技术,尤其是在网络安全方面。如今,网络安全问题已经得到了越来越多人的关注,要确保计算机网络信息系统的安全稳定,就必须采取有效的安全防护措施加以管理。本文结合笔者多年的实践学习和研究,探讨计算机网络数据库的安全管理技术,以供参考。


中图分类号:TP311.13         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)04-0159-02

Analysis of Computer Network Database Security Management Technology
WANG Chunhua
(Xiangcheng Secondary School,Xiangcheng 466200,China)

Abstract:In the current widely used computer network,information storage and information management need to be realized through the network database. With the continuous development of computer technology,computer network is also widely spread and covered. The number of users joining the computer network group is more and more,however,due to the uniqueness of the network, at the same time,interconnectivity and openness,and the inhomogeneity of the terminal,many users can not fully grasp the information technology,especially in the network security. Nowadays,the problem of network security has been paid more and more attention. To ensure the security and stability of the computer network information system,effective security measures must be taken to manage it. Based on the author's years of practical learning and research,this paper discusses the safety management technology of computer network database for reference.

Keywords:computer;network database;safety management technology


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