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(项城市中等专业学校,河南 项城 466200)

摘  要:信息技术的迅猛发展,使当前社会变成了一个信息爆炸的社会。信息的容量前所未有的增加,不仅开拓了人们的视野,更增加了人们在海量信息中甄别正确有价值信息的困难程度,为网络安全问题蒙上了一层阴影。加强计算机网络安全的要求正基于这个问题。近年来网络安全出现问题的新闻屡见不鲜,为人们时刻敲响警钟。因此本文从介绍计算机网络安全问题的现状出发,分析防范网络安全问题的方式方法,希望抛砖引玉,联合业内人士找出解决该问题的良方。


中图分类号:TP393.08         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)04-0161-02

Analysis of Computer Network Security Countermeasures
LI Fenjie
(Xiangcheng Secondary School,Xiangcheng 466200,China)

Abstract:With the rapid development of information technology,the current society has become an information explosion society. The unprecedented increase in the capacity of information has not only opened up people's vision,but also increased the difficulty of identifying correct and valuable information in mass information,which has cast a shadow on the problem of network security. Therequirement to strengthen computer network security is based on this problem. In recent years,the news of network security problems is common. Therefore,this paper,starting from the present situation of computer network security,analyzes the ways and means to prevent the network security problems,and hopes to find a good way to solve the problem.

Keywords:computer;network security;prevention


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