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基于等保 2.0 框架构建数字化工程外防内控技防体系
(中国电建集团中南勘测设计研究院有限公司,湖南 长沙 410014)

摘  要:数字化工程涉及复杂多样的网络环境和应用场景,为不断应对外部和内部网络安全的挑战,亟须构建数字化工程的应用安全技防体系。文章基于等保 2.0 框架,分别从安全物理环境、安全通信网络、安全区域边界、安全计算环境和安全管理中心等方面,构建数字化工程外防内控技防体系的探索实践。

关键词:数字化工程;等保 2.0;外防内控;技防体系


中图分类号:TN915.08                                         文献标识码:A                             文章编号:2096-4706(2022)12-0140-04

Construction of Digital Engineering External Defense and Internal Control Technical Defense System Based on Equal Protection 2.0 Framework

HUANG Junhui, TIAN Qingqing

(Zhongnan Engineering Corporation Limited, Power China, Changsha 410014, China)

Abstract: Digital engineering involves complex and diverse network environments and application scenarios, and constantly responds to the challenges of external and internal network security, so it is urgent to construct application security technical defense system of digital engineering. Based on the equal protection 2.0 framework, this paper explores and practices the construction of external defense and internal control technical defense system for digital engineering severally from the aspects of secure physical environment, secure communication network, secure regional boundary, secure computing environment, secure management center and so on.

Keywords: digital engineering; equal protection 2.0; external defense and internal control; technical defense system


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