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(苏州健雄职业技术学院,江苏 太仓 215411)

摘  要:在线开放课程建设已经受到各大高校的高度重视,基于超星泛雅是以泛在教学与混合式教学为核心思想;以互联网络教学为平台;集教学互动、资源管理、精品课程建设、教学成果展示和教学管理评估于一体的教学平台的特点, 我院在课程资源建设、平台建设等方面经过两轮摸索后,最终选择了超星泛雅教学平台。本文以“网络攻防与实践”课程为例,介绍了基于超星泛雅教学平台建设在线开放课程的实施过程,通过实施在线开放课程,可以拓展学生的学习途径,提升课程教学效率和质量。


中图分类号:G712;TP311.5-4         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)04-0108-02

The Construction of Online Open Course Based on Chaoxing Fanya Network Teaching Platform
——Taking“Network Attack and Practice”as an Example
PU Xing
(Suzhou Chien-Shiung Institute of Technology,Taicang 215411,China)

Abstract:Online open course construction has been highly valued by universities. Chaoxing Fanya is based on the core idea of ubiquitous teaching and mixed teaching. It takes internet teaching as a platform and integrates the characteristics of teaching interaction,resource management,excellent course construction,teaching achievement display and teaching management evaluation. After two rounds of exploration in the construction of curriculum resources and platform,our college finally chose Chaoxing Fanya teaching platform. Taking the course of “Network Attack & Defense and Practice” as an example,this paper introduces the implementation process of constructing online open course based on Chaoxing Fanya teaching platform. Through the implementation of online open course,students’learning channels can be expanded,and the teaching efficiency and quality can be improved.

Keywords:online open course;course construction;teaching resources


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