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(临夏州公安局,甘肃 临夏 731100)

摘  要:随着信息化时代的到来,警犬队伍建设与使用也发生了一定的变化与发展,若想让警犬的训练与发展适应信息化时代,则需转变警犬队伍建设与使用方式。本文首先介绍了信息化时代的特点、警犬及其使用和警犬队伍建设与信息化之间的关联。其次,分析了信息化时代警犬队伍建设与使用中存在的问题。最后,针对存在的问题进行了相应措施的分析与探讨,并得出结论,以供相关研究参考。


中图分类号:D631.1        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)03-0122-03

Research on the Construction of Police Dog Team under the Background of Informatization

MA Xiya

(Linxia Prefecture Public Security Bureau,Linxia 731100,China)

Abstract:With the advent of the information time,the construction and application of police dogs have also undergone some changes and development. In order to adapt the training and development of police dogs to the information time it is necesSary to make changes in the construction and application of police dogs. This paper first introduces the characteristics of the information age,the police dog and its use,and the relationship between the construction of the police dog team and information technology. Secondly,the problems existing in the construction and use of police dog team in the information age are analyzed. Finally,the corresponding measures are analyzed and discussed in view of the existing problems,and the conclusions are drawn for the reference of relevant research.

Keywords:police dog team building;information age;big data


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作者简介:马西娅(1984.11-),女,甘肃广河人,副高级职称, 本科,研究方向:警犬技术与信息化。