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一种高职院校的O2O 教学模式的构建
(湖北职业技术学院 信息技术学院,湖北 孝感 432000)

摘  要:本文针对职业教育特点,利用互联网技术,结合线上教学与线下教学两者的优点,从动机、目标、互动、评价、课程体系五个维度构建了一种面向高职院校的O2O 教学模式,建立完善的评价考核体系,保证学习者的学习效果,使教学手段科技化、教学理念人性化、教学内容多元化、教学评价完善化,促进职业教育向更深层次发展。

关键词:职业教育;在线教学;O2O 教学模式

中图分类号: G434        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)05-0122-02

Construction of an O2O Teaching Model in Higher Vocational Colleges

WANG Liang

(Department of Information technology,Hubei Polytechnic Institute,Xiaogan 432000 China)

Abstract:In view of the characteristics of vocational education,using internet technology and combining the advantages of online teaching and offline teaching,from motivation,goal,interaction,evaluation and curriculum system of five dimensions,this paper constructs an O2O teaching mode for higher vocational colleges and establishes a perfect evaluation and assessment system,to ensure the learning effect of learners and make teaching means technological,teaching concept humanized,teaching content diversified and teaching evaluation perfect,and promotes the further development of vocational education.

Keywords:vocational education;online teaching;O2O teaching mode


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作者简介:王亮(1982-),男,汉族,湖北孝感人,硕士, 副教授,研究方向:教育信息技术、可信网络、软件技术。