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(浙江交通技师学院,浙江 金华 321015)

摘  要:伴随着时代的发展,汽车市场由卖方市场变为买方市场,对从业人员的职业能力要求越来越高,这对培养技能人才的主力军——职业院校提出了更高的要求,而面对越来越个性化并且有着诸多想法的职校学生来讲,如何促进学生的高效学习成为职业院校教师必须完成的一门课题;而网络信息化的发展也使得教育更加开放、多元,“互联网+ 教学”新教学方式正冲击着传统课堂。本文以互联网的快速发展为背景,从汽车营销教学面临的挑战出发,阐述了优化教学方法存在的问题和困难,提出了汽车营销专业教学方法优化途径,以学生为中心,促进学生高效学习,同时也为同行提供借鉴。

关键词:汽车营销;互联网+ 教学;教学信息化

中图分类号:G647         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)08-0124-03

The Optimization of Teaching Methods of Automobile Marketing Specialty in
Vocational Colleges from the Perspective of Network
XUE Lihua
(Zhejiang Institute of Communications Technicians,Jinhua 321015,China)

Abstract:With the development of the times,the automobile market has changed from a seller’s market to a buyer’s market,which demands higher and higher professional competence of employees. This puts forward higher requirements for Vocational colleges,the main force of training skilled personnel. In the face of vo cational school students with more and more individualization and many ideas,how to promote students’efficient learning to become teachers in vocational colleges must be completed. The development of Internet information also makes education more open and diversified. The new teaching mode of “internet plus teaching” is attacking traditional classroom. Based on the rapid development of the internet and the challenges faced by automobile marketing teaching,this paper expounds the problems and difficulties in optimizing teaching methods,and puts forward the ways to optimize teaching methods for automobile marketing specialty,which takes students as the center, promotes students’efficient learning,and also provides reference for colleagues.

Keywords:automobile marketing;internet plus teaching;teaching informatization


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