摘 要:在现在的市场环境下如何提升中职计算机教学质量,更好地为学生服务,让学生通过中职计算机课堂的学习,在今后的工作中能够游刃有余。因此本文通过对中职计算机课堂教学的综合分析,对如何更好地采用现代教育技术提升中职计算机课堂教学做出了一定的论述。
中图分类号:TP399 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0110-03
Research on Optimizing Computer Classroom Teaching in Secondary Vocational Schools with Modern Educational Technology
FAN Qinglian
(Luoding Secondary Vocational School,Yunfu 527200,China)
Abstract:In the current market environment,how to improve the quality of computer teaching in secondary vocational schools,better serve the students,so that students can learn through computer classes in secondary vocational schools,in the future work can be more than skilled. Therefore,through the comprehensive analysis of computer classroom teaching in secondary vocational schools,this paper discusses how to better use modern educational technology to improve computer classroom teaching in secondary vocational schools.
Keywords:modern educational technology;computer classroom teaching in secondary vocational schools;modern teaching media
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作者简介:范清莲(1978.01-),女,汉族,广东罗定人, 中学计算机一级教师,本科,研究方向:计算机。