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基于甘特图的“双十一”活动管控可视化的 应用研究
(佛山市顺德区勒流职业技术学校,广东 佛山 528322)

摘  要:“双十一”活动是店铺一年中最重要的活动,也是一年中销售最旺季,如何做好“双十一”活动是店铺重要的课题,在长达两个月的“双十一”活动冲刺周期中,实现各部门无差错对接和资源的准确调配,是每一个运营必须考虑的问题。本文通过实例分析如何利用甘特图把“双十一”活动管控可视化,如何更有效地管控“双十一”活动的执行风险,从而实现“双十一”活动的最优化。


中图分类号:TP399-C2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0112-04

Application Research of “Double Eleven” Activity Management and Control Visualization Based on Gantt Chart

LI Jian

(Foshan Shunde Leliu Vocational-technical School,Foshan 528322,China)

Abstract:The “Double Eleventh” activity is the most important activity in a year,and it is also the peak season of sales in a year. How to do a good job of the “Double Eleventh” activity is an important topic for the shop. In the sprint cycle of the “Double Eleventh” activity lasting two months,the operation manager must consider the problem that how to connect all the departments well and how to allocate the resource accuratly. This paper analyses how to use Gantt chart to visualize the management and control of “Double Eleven” activities,and to control the implementation risk of “Double Eleven” activities more effectively,so as to optimize the “Double Eleven” activities.

Keywords:Gantt chart;“Double Eleventh” activities;control visualization


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作者简介:李剑(1977.11-),男,汉族,广东廉江人,电 商部部长,计算机中学一级,计算机讲师,高级电子商务师,网络 管理技师,理学学士,研究方向:电子商务。