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(盐城市交通综合服务信息中心,江苏 盐城 224002)

摘  要:交通运行指挥中心是有效提升行业管理水平与服务能力的重要抓手与平台,是交通运行智能化、智慧化的重要标志。在有效提升行业治理能力和现代化水平方面发挥着重要的作用。本文从分析指挥中心建设现状着手,指出建设中存在一系列问题,明确了在新的形势与条件下,指挥中心运行的目标,提出了为实现目标需要重点实施的五项工作,对当前打造智能智慧型指挥中心具有较高的参考价值。


中图分类号:TP399-C6        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0128-03

Problems and Countermeasures of Building Intelligent Traffic Command Center

JIANG Weimin

(Yancheng Transportation Integrated Services Information Centre,Yancheng 224002,China)

Abstract:The traffic operation command center is an important target and platform for effectively improving the management level and service capability of the industry. It is an important indicator of intelligent and intelligent traffic operation. It plays an important role in effectively improving the industry’s governance capacity and modernization level. This paper starts with the analysis of the status of the construction of the command center,points out that there are a series of problems in the construction,clarifies the objectives of the operation of the command center under the new situation and conditions,and puts forward five tasks that need to be implemented in order to achieve the goal. It has high reference value for building intelligent command center at present.

Keywords:traffic command center;intelligent traffic;big data;sharing


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作者简介:蒋卫民(1973.05-),男,汉族,江苏盐城人, 高级讲师,本科,主要研究方向:交通运输信息化建设与管理。