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(湖北文理学院 经济管理学院,湖北 襄阳 441053)

摘  要:当前,人工智能在农业、医学、工业领域已经得到初步运用,并取得了一定的成果,给予了将人工智能应用在金融业证券系统的无限遐想。本文基于人工智能在国内外证券交易系统中的应用状况,以及人工智能在证券交易系统的功能研究,发现其在安全、法律、就业等社会问题上存在的一些隐患,并提出利用区块链加强信息安全防护,提升人们知识素养,加强立法建设和行政监管的建议。


中图分类号:TP18;TP309        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0134-03

Problems and Solutions of Artificial Intelligence in the Application of Stock Exchange System

CHEN Shanshan,ZHONG Yan

(College of Economics and Management of Hubei University of Arts and Sciences,Xiangyang 441053,China)

Abstract:At present,AI has been initially applied in agriculture,medicine and industry,and some achievements have been achieved,which gives the infinite reverie of applying AI to financial securities system. Based on the application status of AI in securities trading system at home and abroad and the function research of AI in securities trading system,this paper finds some hidden dangers in social problems such as security,law and employment,and puts forward some suggestions on using block chain to strengthen information security protection,enhance people’s knowledge literacy,strengthen legislation construction and administrative supervision.

Keywords:artificial intelligence;sto


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作者简介:陈珊珊(1999-),女,汉族,湖北黄冈人,本科, 研究方向:国际经济与贸易;钟燕(1978-)女,汉族,湖北枣阳人, 讲师,硕士,研究方向:国际经济与贸易。