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浅谈“一带一路”建设下湛江中小企业 会计信息化建设方向
(广东海洋大学寸金学院,广东 湛江 524094)

摘  要:中小企业在湛江经济中有着举足轻重的地位,促进了湛江市场经济的稳定发展。长期以来,中小企业由于自身规模、资源等多重因素影响,导致其在会计信息化建设过程中存在诸多问题。本文以湛江中小企业作为切入点,在分析中小企业会计信息化建设存在的问题的基础上,充分分析了基于云会计建设湛江中小企业会计信息化的优势,进一步提出云会计是湛江中小企业会计信息化建设的发展方向。


中图分类号:F232        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)09-0124-03

Discussion on the Direction of Zhanjiang Accounting Information Construction for Small And Medium Sized Enterprises under the Construction of “One Belt and One Road”

ZHAN Nannan

(Guangdong Ocean University Cunjin College,Zhanjiang 524094,China)

Abstract:Small and medium-sized enterprises play an important role in Zhanjiang’s economy,which promotes the stable development of Zhanjiang’s market economy. For a long time,small and medium-sized enterprises have many problems in the process of accounting information construction due to their own size,resources and other factors. Based on the analysis of the problems existing in the construction of accounting informationization of small and medium-sized enterprises in Zhanjiang and the advantages of the construction of accounting informationization of small and medium-sized enterprises in Zhanjiang based on cloud accounting,this paper puts forward that cloud accounting is the development direction of the construction of accounting informationization of small and mediumsized enterprises in Zhanjiang.

Keywords:“one belt and one road” construction;cloud accounting;accounting informatization


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作者简介:赵男男(1982-),女,汉族,辽宁沈阳人,九三 学社社员,会计系教研室主任,兼任北部湾经济研究中心副研究员, 副教授,工学硕士,研究方向:计算机应用。