摘 要:近几年来由于随着经济的迅速发展,国家各方面都在推进信息化的发展,国家对于区域卫生信息化建设的支出力度也是逐渐增加,尽管取得了巨大的进展,但是仍然存在一系列的问题。随着区域卫生服务的深入,区域卫生服务信息化的发展逐渐呈现出滞后的状态,使得区域卫生服务出现了一种“信息孤岛”现象,导致了卫生资源、医疗资源、患者信息之间的整合程度较低,不利于共享。本文简要探讨基本公共卫生信息化建设的现状问题,并提出相关对策,为我国基本公共卫生信息化的建设提供借鉴。
中图分类号:R197.1;TP399 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)09-0137-02
Current Situation and Countermeasure of Regional Health Informatization Construction
ZHOU Xiang
(Yunnan Kungang Hospital,Kunming 650300,China)
Abstract:In recent years,with the rapid development of economy,the country is promoting the development of information technology in all aspects,the country’s expenditure on regional health informatization construction is also gradually increased,although great progress has been made,but there are still a series of problems. With the deepening of regional health services,the gradual development of regional health services and informatization presents a later state. The phenomenon of “information isolated island” appeared in regional health services,which led to the low integration of health resources,medical resources and patient information,which was not conducive to sharing. This paper briefly discusses the current situation and problems of basic public health informatization construction,and puts forward relevant countermeasures to provide reference for the construction of basic public health informatization in China.
Keywords:regional health construction;information construction;health system reform
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作者简介:周翔(1990.03-),男,汉族,云南安宁人,初 级职称,信息管理技术员,本科,主要从事信息化建设管理及管理 工作。