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(新兴县田家炳中学,广东 云浮 527434)

摘  要:随着我国互联网的迅速普及,近年来城乡居民使用移动智能终端的频率得到了极大提升。根据机构调研数据显示,我国城市学生拥有平板电脑、手机等智能移动终端的比例高达80%。且每天平均使用时长超过两个小时,但主要以使用娱乐和通信功能为主。作为教育工作者,如果能紧跟时代潮流,充分利用移动设备和互联网,将原本会分散学生学习注意力的产品变成教学工具,那么学生的学习将会事半功倍。

关键词:微课;信息技术;互联网+ 教育

中图分类号:G434;G623.58        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)09-0135-03

Research on the Application of Micro-course in Information Technology in Middle Schools

GUO Wenhong

(Tianjiabing Middle School in Xinxing County,Yunfu 527434,China)

Abstract:With the rapid popularization of internet in China,the frequency of mobile intelligent terminals used by urban and rural residents has been greatly increased in recent years. According to the survey data of institutions,the proportion of urban students with smart mobile terminals such as tablet computers and mobile phones is as high as 80%. And the average daily use of more than two hours, but mainly to use entertainment and communication functions. As an educator,if we can keep up with the trend of the times,make full use of mobile devices and the internet,and turn products that would otherwise distract students’attention into teaching tools,then students’learning will be twice as effective.

Keywords:micro course;information technology;internet plus education


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作者简介:郭文宏(1984.09-),男,汉族,广东湛江人, 信息技术中学一级教师,本科,研究方向:微课的信息技术应用 研究。