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(华中科技大学 图书馆,湖北 武汉 430074)

摘  要:概述智慧教育的内涵,讨论高校图书馆作为智慧教育信息服务平台的工作要点,浅析其服务模式。图书馆为高校智慧教育服务的模式要包容智慧教育的本质,以教育者和学习者的需求为基础,以学习者为主体,以信息处理和智慧分析为核心,引导学习者主动探索,获得学习者的心理、行为数据和意见、建议,进行智慧化分析,发现规律和问题,为教育者和学习者的智慧决断提供依据,实现智慧化教与学。


中图分类号:G258.6;G250         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)10-0113-04

Analysis on the Mode of Library’s Smart Education Service in
Colleges and Universities
ZHAO Zhiqing
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology Library,Wuhan 430074,China)

Abstract:This paper discusses the essence of smart education,and analyzes the working points of smart library as a intelligent information service center for university smart education,explores the working mode. The model of library service for university wisdom education should include the essence of wisdom education,take the needs of educators and learners as the foundation,learners as the main body,information processing and wisdom analysis as the core,guide learners to explore actively,obtain learners’psychological,behavioral data,opinions and suggestions,conduct wisdom analysis,and discover rules and problems. It provides a basis for educators and learners to make wise decisions and realize wise teaching and learning.

Keywords:smart education;intelligent analysis;smart decision


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