摘 要:大数据时代,各行业都会产生海量数据,统计数据作为国家“战略金矿”,更要充分挖掘数据的内在价值,使之更好地用服务政府及公众。借鉴各行业大数据生态模式,建设统计数据生态圈,不仅有助于提高统计数据的质量、数据的真实性,还可以提高数据的科学性。通过生态圈建设将进一步加大数据公开、共享力度,将统计数据统计的更加真实、准确、完整、及时。
中图分类号:TP311.13;C81 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)01-0174-03
Exploring the Construction of the Ecological Circle of Statistical Data
MEI Bing
(Heilongjiang Computing Center,Harbin 150028,China)
Abstract:In the era of big data,all industries will generate huge amounts of data,statistical data as the national “strategic gold mine”,and we should fully tap the intrinsic value of data and make it better serve the government and the public. Drawing on the ecological model of large data in various industries and constructing the ecological circle of statistical data.It can not only improve the quality of statistical data and the authenticity of the data,but also improve the scientificity of the data.Through the construction of the ecological circle,the data will be more open and shared,and the statistics of the statistical data will be more true,accurate,complete and timely.
Keywords:government statistics;big data;ecosphere
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作者简介:梅兵(1977.09 -),男,汉族,辽宁人,研究室主任,高级工程师,硕士,研究方向:计算机软件工程统计分析。