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(陆军军医大学,重庆 400038)

摘  要:近年来,互联网在我国快速兴起,带动了电子商务的发展,同时也创造了一个全新的领域,及第三方支付市场。长期以来,支付都是限制我国电子商务进一步发展。而第三方支付平台的出现为商家、消费者建立了一个安全、高效、便捷的支付渠道,有效地解决了电子商务支付的需求和问题。本文主要介绍了我国第三方支付平台的发展现状,存在问题及相应的解决对策。


中图分类号:TP393.09         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)01-0178-02

The Model Analysis and Problem Exploration of Third Party Payment

WAN Hanlai

(Army Medical University,Chongqing  400038,China)

Abstract:In recent years,the internet has been rising rapidly in China,driving the development of e-commerce,and creating a new field and the three party payment market. For a long time,payment has restricted the further development of e-commerce in China. The emergence of the third party payment platform has established a safe,efficient and convenient payment channel for businesses and consumers,effectively solving the needs and problems of e-commerce payment. This article mainly introduces the development status of the third party payment platform in China,the existing problems and the corresponding solutions.

Keywords:third party payment;model;problem;countermeasures


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作者简介:万瀚莱(1982.10 -),女,重庆,硕士研究生,现陆军军医大学信息技术室工程师,研究方向:软件工程、网络通信、信息安全。