摘 要:随着人们生活水平的日益提高,人们对于生活的品质及服务也有了更高的需求。知识经济和互联网时代的到来,社区智能化已经成为新世纪人们全新生活方式的根本保证。本文主要从“智慧家”APP 的应用背景、行业状况、发展趋势、建设目标和商业价值几个方面进行了详细阐述,最后得出“智慧家”APP 颠覆住宅小区生活观这一观点。
中图分类号:TP319 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)10-0137-03
“Interlife”APP Subverts the Concept of Living in Residential Areas
YIN Canbin1,2,YU Fang1,2,JING Tao1
(1.College of Civil Engineering,Hunan City University,Yiyang 413000,China;2.Hunan ProKey Real Estate Group Co.,Ltd.,Yiyang 413000,China)
Abstract:With the improvement of people’s living standards,people have a higher demand for the quality of life and services.With the advent of the knowledge economy and the internet era,community intelligence has become the fundamental guarantee of a newlifestyle in the new century. This paper mainly elaborates the application background,industry status,development trend,constructionobjectives and commercial value of“Interlife”APP,and finally comes to the view that“Interlife”APP subverts the outlook on life inresidential quarters.
Keywords:“Interlife”APP;community intelligence;smart city;“internet plus”
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