摘 要:本文通过深入研究现存的各种云数据仓库,提出新的云数据仓库分层设计方案,该方案把云数据仓库分为三层,基础设施层、平台层和分析软件层,并对各层提供的服务进行展开叙述。
中图分类号:TP311.138 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)01-0180-02
Hierarchical Data Warehouse Architecture and Its Service Research in the Cloud Environment
ZHAO Jialing
(Zhaoqing University Information Center,Zhaoqing 526061,China)
Abstract:In this article,through in-depth study of the existing various cloud data warehouse,puts forward new cloud data warehouse design scheme,this scheme is divided into three layers,the cloud data warehouse infrastructure layer,platform layer and layer analysis software,and the services provided by each layer are described.
Keywords:data warehouse services;cloud computing;non-relational databases
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作者简介:赵嘉凌(1979 -),女,广东肇庆人,计算机工程师,广东工业大学软件工程硕士,现研究方向:大数据挖掘,数据分析,云计算。