摘 要:在大数据时代,我们的生活方式发生了很大的变化,同时,高校教学也根据当今社会科技的发展与时俱进。大数据时代下,各专业根据其自身特色及发展规划积极与大数据相融合。在将教学模式与大数据融合的过程中,由于受到教学方式、教学方法等影响,会产生许多问题,本文将以计算机编程科目为主,其他学科为辅,从多个学科、多个角度对基于大数据的教学模式进行研究。
中图分类号:TP391.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)12-0140-02
Study on Teaching Mode Based on Big Data
XIA Dehong
(Information Engineering Department,Jiangxi Water Resources Institute,Nanchang 330013,China)
Abstract:In the era of big data,great changes have taken place in our lifestyle. Meanwhile,the teaching in colleges is keepingpace with the times in line with the development of science and technology nowadays. In the era of big data,various majors are plannedaccording to the professional characteristics and development to promote majors and large data fusion. In the progress of teaching mode andbig data fusion,many problems will appear with the influence of teaching mode and teaching methods. Based on computer programmingmainly and other subjects minorly,this article will study the teaching mode based on big data from multi-angle and multi-subject.
Keywords:big data;teaching mode;computer programming
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