摘 要:国外在STEAM 教育研究方面日趋成熟,我国在教育改革的道路上,不断尝试将优秀理念融入于我国的教育中。研究表明,将STEAM 教育的跨学科融合理念融于现有学科课程体系,可以促进学生高阶思维能力的发展。本研究以基于整体设计方法的4C/ID 模型为指导,构建基于STEAM 理念的项目式教学设计模型,阐述了4C/ID 模型的理论基础,在此基础上对基于STEAM 理念的项目设计具体过程进行了探讨,并给出了以高中通用技术为载体的具体案例。
关键词:STEAM 教育;项目式教学;4C/ID 模型
中图分类号:G623.6;G434 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)11-0125-04
Design and Case Analysis of STEAM Discipline Integration Project Based on4C/ID Model
YU Jiayin,LI Xinhui
(College of Humanities and Education,Foshan University,Foshan 528000,China)
Abstract:Foreign countries are becoming more and more mature in STEAM education research. On the road of education reform,our country constantly tries to integrate excellent ideas into our education. The research shows that integrating the idea of interdisciplinaryintegration of STEAM education into the existing curriculum system can promote the development of students’higher-order thinkingability. Guided by the 4C/ID model based on the overall design method,this study constructs a project-based instructional design modelbased on STEAM concept,expounds the theoretical basis of the 4C/ID model,discusses the specific process of project design based onSTEAM concept,and gives a specific case with high school general technology as the carrier.
Keywords:STEAM education;project-based teaching;4C/ID model
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作者简介:于佳音(1995.05-),女,汉族,吉林松原人,硕士研究生,研究方向:STEAM 教育、创客教育。