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(安徽省铜陵市枞阳县卫生和健康委员会,安徽 铜陵 246700)

摘  要:我国的经济水平逐渐提高,基层卫生信息化建设工作也取得了一定的成绩。目前我国在这一方面的相关政策以及系统建设与实践中的情况相关,为此要想提高我国基层卫生信息建设的成效便需要从这些方面入手。本文通过分析我国基层卫生信息化建设存在的问题,并结合优秀服务区的特点,提出了具体的成效提升方法,希望可以为相关人员提供参考。


中图分类号:R197.1         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)12-0116-03

Analysis on the Effectiveness and Problems of Informatization Construction ofPrimary Health Care in China

WU Rong

(Health and Hygiene Committee of Zongyang County in Tongling City Anhui Province,Tongling 246700,China)

Abstract:The economic level of our country is improving gradually,the basic level health informatization constructionwork also made certain achievement. At present,China’s relevant policies in this area and the situation of system construction andpractice are related. Therefore,we need to start from these aspects if we want to improve the effectiveness of basic health informationconstruction in China. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the construction of basic health informatization in our country,andputs forward the specific methods of improving the results according to the characteristics of excellent service areas,hoping to providereference for related personnel.

Keywords:primary health informatization;medical information system;community service;digital health care;healthmanagement system


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